Category Archives: Uncategorized

Scaling Your Small Business’ Revenue

This 2-part series of articles explores the difference between growing and scaling the revenue in your small business.  Part 2 explains revenue scaling, which is an often-confused term, but in our context here it refers to your ability to increase revenue without increasing resource costs (or increasing resource costs at a lesser rate). Many small…Continue Reading

Business Plans, Luck, Serendipity, and Re-Inventing the Company

  “Serendipity – The faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for.“ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary If you play it right and are always on the lookout, serendipity can play a very large part in the successful running of a small business.  Many people call it luck, and that’s an OK word…Continue Reading

It’s Grand Opening Day + 1 … Now What?

You’ve weathered the hectic rush to start-up.  You worked double time through the hundreds of mundane and time-consuming tasks bringing your new company to life – naming the business, getting the look and feel that you want your customers to see, built your website, opened your Twitter account, created Facebook and Pinterest pages and started…Continue Reading